Primary Education

The main message of Wonderfully Made is that each child is wonderfully made and worthwhile, no matter what he or she feels, experiences or does. Every child is created by God. Every child is worthy of being known, loved and protected. As Driestar Christian University we have been expressing this message since 2009.

Target group
Wonderfully Made is mainly used in Christian schools. All kinds of Christian denominations are represented within these schools. Schools are free to emphasize certain values or core themes if this fits in the school’s context.

The main message of Wonderfully Made is that every child is allowed to be there, no matter what he or she is feeling, experiencing or doing. Every child is created by God. Every child is worthy of being known, loved and protected.  

Value-based curriculum
Wonderfully Made offers lessons for each grade in primary school. Besides the lessons, Wonderfully Made offers background information on child development, the formation of the Christian vision and dealing with child abuse (including sexual abuse). The Wonderfully Made program serves parents and educators as well with suitable training and information.

Background information: overview lessons

The objectives per lesson focus on knowledge, skills and attitudes. Moreover, each lesson is linked to one or two guiding themes of the curriculum (self-image, lasting relationships, social norms and protective behaviours), see the graphic below. Eight important Christian principles are also referred to: dignity, wonder, love, faithfullness, respect, responsability, self-control and courage. This structure reflect the value-based approach of Wonderfully Made.


1. Self-image
Children value themselves, including as relational and sexual beings, from the values of dignity and wonder towards the Creator. God created each person (male and female) as a spiritual, physical, social and sexual being, valuable from since the beginning. This leads to an attitude of wonder towards the Creator and recognition of each person's dignity.

2. Lasting relationships
Children can recognize, appreciate and build lasting relationships in which various forms of intimacy are discussed, based on the values of love and fidelity. Each person is created by God to be part of relationships with other people (friends, family, church and community) to support each other, experience intimacy in various forms and feel connected, valued and loved. Sexual intercourse flourishes within an enduring relationship (marriage) of love and fidelity between husband and wife.

3. Social norms
Children can understand various social norms in dealing with relationships and sexuality and are able to articulate their own boundaries, based on the values of respect and responsibility. Being created by God leads to an attitude of care and respect for one's own (private) body and the boundaries of others. From God's great commandment (love God above all and thy neighbor as yourself) flows an attitude of kindness and care towards all other people, regardless of mutual differences.

4. Protective behaviours
Children show resilient behavior in dealing with relationships and sexuality, they can recognize suspicious and harmful situations and ask for help if necessary, based on the values of self-control and courage. The Bible shows the importance of purity for the body and mind, which requires self-control. Sexual abuse, like abuse in general, is wrong, immoral and illegal. Saying no, fleeing and talking about it are good but require courage.

Read more about our vision and the way we would like to equip and train parents and educators by clicking on the information below.

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J.R. (Joël) Baas
International Office DCU
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