Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made is a teaching curriculum for primary education about relationships and sex education based on Christian values.

The Wonderfully Made curriculum has been developed by the Driestar Christian University for Teacher Education in the Netherlands over twenty years ago. Today more than 400 primary schools in the Netherlands are using the curriculum. By the end of 2023, Wonderfully Made will be implemented in more than 10 countries. The program has been revised several times since it was launched.

Why Wonderfully Made?
The Bible tells us that we are wonderfully made. We were made in God’s image. Intimacy and sexuality are gifts from our Creator. We believe it is our Christian calling to equip children and young people with tools that will help them to live life in the sight of God. We recognize the brokenness concerning relationships and sexuality and in God’s creation. Many children and young people face the consequences of sexual abuse or exploitation, broken families and distorted views on sexuality in society and media.
How does Wonderfully Made make a difference?
Wonderfully Made has been developed from a Christian perspective and with a holistic approach: it addresses relationships, sex and the development of protective behaviors throughout the curriculum, focusing on Biblical values and norms. We encourage the cooperation between parents, school and church. We believe that parents remain primarily responsible – families first! That’s why we also provide a brochure specifically for parents,  including brief summaries of the lessons and suggestions for conversations at home.

Goal of Wonderfully Made – young people standing firm in society
Wonderfully Made equips children and young people so they will find their place in society where they:
  • recognize and appreciate themselves as a boy or girl, created by God;
  • are able to make wise choices and show protective behaviors in according the Word of God, despite the brokenness caused by sin;
  • are able to connect with others in healthy relationships of love and faithfulness.

Read more about the Wonderfully Made curriculum for primary education, about available translations and programs and about the chrildren's book Wonderfully Made and Worthwhile by clicking on the information below.

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S.P. (Sjoerd) van den Berg
Project leader
International Programs DCU
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